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Here are five reasons why reincarnation does not make sense.

1. Reincarnation is not fair. Why would people be punished for something they cannot remember doing in a previous life?

2. Reincarnation does not work. If karma progressively rids humanity of its selfish desires, why hasn’t human nature improved noticeably after all the millennia of reincarnations Westmark

3. Reincarnation makes people socially passive. It teaches that we should not interfere with others’ bad karma (or bad circumstances). To interfere with their bad circumstances would bring more bad karma to them and to us.

4. Reincarnation is fatalistic. The law of karma guarantees that whatever we sow in the present life, we will invariably reap in the next life. It works infallibly and inexorably. There is no grace.

5. Reincarnation is un-biblical. Scripture indicates that each human being lives once is a mortal on earth, dies once, and then faces judgment (Hebrews 9:27). A person does not have a second chance by reincarnating into another body. Scripture indicates that at death believers in the Lord Jesus go to heaven (2 Corinthians 5:8), and unbelievers go to a place of punishment (Luke 16:19 – 31; 2 Peter 2:9). Moreover, Jesus taught that people decide their eternal destiny in a single lifetime (Matthew 25:46). This is precisely why the apostle Paul emphasized that now is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2).

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