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Just War

Just War

War is justifiable under certain circumstances. There are 7 principles that will help guide our thinking.

  1. A Just Cause- Defensive wars are just; unprovoked aggression and attempts to plunder are not.
  2. Just Intention- Revenge, conquest, economic gain or mere ideological supremacy are not just intentions. Just wars protect or rescue people from a hostile attack.
  3.  Last Resort- All forms of nonviolent methods of solving the disputes must be exhausted.
  4. Formal Declaration of war made by a nation. Terrorists, militias, and mercenaries can’t declare war.
  5. Limited Objectives- The goal of a war should never be complete destruction of the opposing nation. Hostilities must stop as soon as the objectives have been reached.
  6. Proportionate Means. Only the level of force necessary to secure victory should be utilized. Annihilation is out of the question.
  7. Safety of Noncombatants: Every effort must be made to protect civilians.


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